Community and Outreach

Aquaciples Program

Embark on an extraordinary voyage of faith and discovery with the Aquaciples program, an innovative initiative tailored for youths seeking adventure and spiritual enrichment. Our program goes beyond traditional education by immersing participants in the captivating world of marine life, where every dive and exploration serves as a gateway to deeper insights into faith and stewardship.

Through a blend of experiential learning, outdoor adventures, and faith-based teachings, Aquaciples ignites a passion for both the ocean and Christian values. Participants engage in hands-on activities, all guided by experienced mentors who infuse each experience with spiritual wisdom and guidance.

As young adventurers navigate the waters, they not only discover the marvels of marine ecosystems but also uncover timeless lessons about faith, resilience, and the interconnectedness of all creation. Together, we cultivate a community where friendships are forged, hearts are opened, and spirits are uplifted by the beauty of God's creation.

Our 12 week AQUACIPLE PROGRAM will include the following:

  • Bible Study Discipleship
  • USCG Boating Skills & Seamanship Certification
  • PADI Scuba certification
  • Proficient Freediver
  • CPR certification
  • Marine conservation
  • Community service
  •  Vessel maintenance and dockhand
  • Teamwork and Leadership
  • Nutrition and Physical fitness
  • Alcohal/substance abuse awareness and prevention

Join us on this transformative journey where the vast expanse of the ocean becomes a canvas for spiritual growth and exploration. With Aquaciples, youths embark on an unforgettable odyssey, gaining not only a deeper appreciation for marine life but also a strengthened connection to their faith and purpose in the world. This program is free to both male and female youths aged 12 or more. 

Get in Touch

Reach Out and Let Your Voice Be Heard

We value your feedback, questions, and inquiries. Whether you're seeking more information about our services, interested in volunteering, or want to refer an aquaciple, we're here to listen and assist. Feel free to reach out to us via phone, email, or through the contact form below.